Transform your physicality into spirituality, and back. Retire with Hadarta
Transform your physicality into spirituality, and back. Retire with Hadarta
Hadarta is named for the Torah verse, ‘v’Hadarta pnei zaken [Viykra 19:32]’ translated as, “…and you shall glorify the status of the elderly.” Hadarta’s main goal is to attract Jewish retirees to visit, retire and age healthfully in our supportive neighborhoods we are helping to create in Israel. These new communities would grow with an emphasis on integrative health and maximal functionality. And though the project would be open to all Jewish people, all participants would commit to a Torah based Jewish environment aimed toward the final return of all Jews to the Land of Israel.
Such a continuous care neighborhoods would employ the values of spirituo-educational growth in a Torah context, maximizing functional preservation utilizing both ancient and modern concepts of preventive medicine. Hadarta’s overreaching goal would to allow Jewish retirees to and to age in place in a unique intergenerational environment. In that vein, Hadarta would focus on building and strengthening intergenerational connections amongst both older and younger local populations participating inthe age old Jewish mitzvah of elevating the status of the elder within, and not separate from the community at large.
Hadarta’s main clients would include but not be limited to retirement age (65+) singles and couples, from both North America and Israel, looking for a community where one can age in place, while gradually and quietly acquiring needed services in the privacy of one’s home. This supportive Tzfat neighborhood would be founded on principles of a Jewish spiritual growth in the context of maximizing physical health, community, mutual participation and functionality.
With community in mind, the center of the retirement center would include a community social center for daily community gatherings attached to centralized shul or beit kinesset for daily group meditation, prayer, song and religious ritual.
The community center will be not only a central gathering point, providing common purpose for the supportive neighborhood, but will also serve to attract intergenerational interaction, including: weddings, bar mitzvahs and bris milah ceremonies. Indeed, the residents of the supportive neighborhood will help to direct the beit kinesset or shul and all of its activities.
To further the goal of intergenerational connections, Hadarta will establish a small independent pre-school and kindergarten, which will be administered and taught by the retirees on campus; in addition there will be a pediatric practice on site run by a Hadarta physician, yet served by volunteer members of the elder community.
Torah classes (shiurim) will be readily available for all people of all backgrounds, both on and off site, provided by an on-site rabbi and his guests in a rotating fashion.
Other important services provided will be daily maintenance of grounds and individual apartments, exercise, music and art classes of several rotating varieties.
The medical model for this neighborhood, however will top-down, meaning that the medical piece will not be prominent, rather in the background. In that vein, basic medical services, including a nurse and geriatrician, would be typically provided via home visits, utilizing the latest technology of mobile medicine.
And while there may be a small medically oriented space developed on site to avoid hospitalizations, the focus of that unique space would be to encourage independent functional mobility, physical, occupational and speech therapies, and a special emphasis on music, dance and animal therapies. Additionally, medical cannabis would be freely utilized as a preventive and curative in a respectful and responsible way.
Transportation would be provided to outside cultural and shopping centers on a regular basis. Activities would be planned in an organized, yet, non-pressured way by a qualified and experienced social planner.